Our termly newsletters update you with news and events from our music partners. If you’d like to hear about upcoming musical opportunities in and around Somerset and how to get involved, sign up below!
Afriquoi in Somerset 22nd - 28th April 2017 Afriquoi are a London based Electronic African Dance Music group and Actiontrack are bringing them to Somerset for a week of activity. During the week of the 24th - 28th April Actiontrack Performance Company and Afriquoi will be touring around schools in South Somerset, teaching students about [...]
Wells Music Academy are happy to announce one of their next initiatives, the ever popular SINGLE REED SKILLS DAY on 30th April this year. Joining them for masterclasses and ensemble are Richard Hosford, principal clarinet of the Royal College and Christian Forshaw, Professor of Saxophone at the Guildhall. Our flyer will be circulated soon with [...]